How to Style your Nursery with Eucalypt

Pregnancy is a beautiful season where you grow a little more into a new side of your identity: Mama. And what you may not realise right now, is how much making your nursery lovely will come back and kiss you as you enter into motherhood!
Creating a beautiful space to bring home your little one is part of the nesting process. You get to care for bub earth side while they are still on the inside and double bonus! Making the nursery beautiful can be helpful in channelling some of the excitement, the wonder and the impatient waiting.
Eucalypt is a gorgeous print that showcases Australia flora and fauna and is perfect if you are having a surprise baby. We find it's very popular when gifting too.
Once bub is here and all things are new and sometimes overwhelming, a well organised room can turn moments of chaos into moments of relief because everything is right where it is supposed to be, even when you’re not. It also makes the nursery an easy space to be in. You do not have to ‘do’ anything in that room except change nappies and care for bub because you did everything else before they were here.
Having a ‘perfect’ nursery then becomes suddenly, wonderfully practical. It may even become your favourite place to be in the whole house.
3 Tips for styling a nursery easily
1. Use a soft, relaxing, neutral colour palette for the big pieces like the walls, the cot, other furniture. This is a room for sleeping and bright colours can stimulate when you want to create a sense of peace. You will be less likely to change these items in the coming years if they are easy on the eye and bring a sense of calm.
2. Use soft furnishings like sheets, pictures, decals and pillows to accent with 1-2 colours or stunning patterns. These items are easy (and less expensive) to change out as your child or your family grows.
3. Make your goal to be practical, rather than perfect. Being organised is about function.
e.g. Store a good stack of nappies within easy reaching distance from your change table.

Styling your nursery is all about simplicity. Work only with what you love and edit out the rest. It will create a space for you and bub that leaves both of you with a wonderful feeling of organised calm. Shop all Eucalypt bedding online at Snuggle Hunny.